Programs & Events

Julia Can Speak at Your Next Event

Ms. Garstecki, having taught in classrooms herself, was flexible, engaging, and motivating. Our fourth, fifth, and sixth graders walked along her journey to becoming a professional nonfiction writer. Our young writers were inspired to try publishing on their own this summer as she shared trade secrets. Lucky for us, I will be hiring her again next year, and the students are anxiously awaiting their turn to connect with her.
Kelly Conway
Library Media Specialist
Canton Intermediate School

For availability and fees, contact Julia: [email protected]


For Students:

Nonfiction Writing: The Publishing Process & Primary Sources

Objective: Students will discover and discuss using reliable and valid sources in nonfiction writing.

Using Mrs. Garstecki’s books, students determine which sources are the best to use in research.

Examples to clearly demonstrate the concept of primary and secondary sources.

Understanding the process of rewriting, revising, and working with editors for a completed manuscript.

Writing Nonfiction: The Publishing Process

Objective: Students will understand what it takes to publish nonfiction works.

Brainstorming, researching, drafting, organization, writing, and revising are discussed using examples.
Publishers seeking young authors, as well as tips for submitting to publishers will be provided.
*I will happily come in and work with struggling or enthusiastic authors to prepare a piece for submission for an additional fee!

An Author’s Career

Objective: Students will learn the extraordinary opportunities for writers.

Magazines, blogs, books, e-books, anthologies, songwriters. The world is in need of writers! Students will learn about them.
Take part: What kind of writers are your students? Guided writing activities will help your writers find their strength.
What next? What’s a young author to do? Steps for starting a writing routine and submitting will be provided.

Topics for educators:

Connecting with special needs students and families: Learn how to better work with families in the special education system. Spoken from the teacher and parent perspective.

Improving the parent-teacher relationship: Setting expectations and communication strategies that work.

Empathy goes a long way: What parents of special needs students want you to know.

From special education teacher to special education parent: What I know now that would have made me better then.

Topics for parents:

Living the special-needs lifestyle with ease a little easier. This includes (but is not limited to) organizing paperwork, scheduling, and working with schools.

The Process of Special Education

Partnering with Your Child’s School: This workshop focuses solely on working with the school to improve the daily life of your family and educational issues.

Special education parent to special education teacher: How I learned to help my child’s teacher. The right way!